报告人简介:文雯博士,芝加哥大学博士后,博士毕业于美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校,本科毕业于中国人民大学。她主要关注弱势家庭青少年的发展及其亲子关系。研究兴趣包括(1)通过家庭系统理论来理解来自弱势家庭中的亲子交互及关系;(2)通过揭示边缘化群体中的青少年如何在面对环境压力时发展心理韧性(如减少内化症状)和生理适应(如更健康的皮质醇模式)以更好地赋能青少年。现任Journal of Youth and Adolescence和Journal of Research on Adolescence编委会成员。近年来,作为第一作者或通讯作者在儿童发展领域发表多篇论文,包括Child Development, Developmental Psychology, Journal of Youth and Adolescence等国外顶级期刊。
报告摘要:While conventional developmental theories emphasize the importance of a safe and stable nurturing environment, recent resilience perspectives have started to recognize the value of understanding protective factors and the adaptability of youth with adverse experiences. This lecture will discuss how youth from adverse environments may adapt to contextual stress and explore how the parent-child relationship can function as a protective factor during this critical developmental period. This lecture will cover three studies to discuss marginalized youth development from individual stress responses and family system perspectives. Dr. Wen will also lead the discussion on future directions for empowering marginalized youth (e.g., youth from low-SES families) and understanding their resilience.