题目: Navigating Mental Spaces
报告人:Deniz Vatansever教授 复旦大学
报告人简介:Deniz Vatansever教授现任复旦大学类脑智能科学与技术研究院(ISTBI)的研究型教授。在加入ISTBI之前,他在剑桥大学临床神经科学系取得博士学位,并在约克大学心理学院进行了博士后研究。目前,Deniz Vatansever教授在ISTBI领导一个认知与脑成像实验室,专注于探索学习与记忆的神经机制,特别关注默认模式网络及其在心理导航(mental navigation)中的作用。他的研究方法综合了认知神经科学、临床神经科学和计算神经科学,研究范围包括基于价值的决策和神经可塑性等。Deniz Vatansever教授已在《Nature Communications》《PNAS》《Journal of Neuroscience》《Human Brain Mapping》等国际知名SCI期刊上发表多篇高水平学术论文,并主持了科技创新2030—“脑科学与类脑研究”重大项目以及国家自然科学基金等项目。
摘要: Since their seminal conceptualization by Tolman in the late 1940s, "cognitive maps" have been at the forefront of neuroscientific investigation. Electrophysiological recordings from place and grid cells have provided direct evidence for the neural basis of cognitive maps and revealed the key computational role of the hippocampal-entorhinal system in mental navigation. Beyond direct recordings, recent studies show these neural signatures can also be detected using non-invasive fMRI technology. Converging evidence has identified a large-scale brain network—the default mode network—that shows heightened activity when participants navigate virtual environments or abstract spaces during fMRI scanning. Intriguingly, these same brain regions are also involved in computing subjective value, social cognition, retrieving past memories, and imagining the future. In this talk, I will explore how mental navigation underlies this diverse set of cognitive processes and discuss the default mode network's potential role in automated, memory-guided cognition.