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西南大学心理学部建系30周年系列学术交流活动:Bernhard Hommel教授






报告题目:Metacontrol: The Yin and Yang of cognitive control

报告人:Bernhard Hommel教授



个人简介:Bernhard Hommel教授Leiden University心理学教授、脑与认知学院主任、德国科学院院士,担任Psychological ResearchFrontiers in Cognition杂志主编。Hommel教授是认知心理学和认知神经科学领域研究者,特别关注于创造性、认知控制方向的研究,提出事件编码理论(Theory of Event Coding、元控制状态模型(Metacontrol State Model)等原创理论。在从事研究的37年中,他共发表了500余篇文章,其研究成果发表在《Behavioral and Brain Sciences》《Trends in cognitive sciences》等高水平期刊上迄今,论文引用次数为46372次,h指数为107i10指數为395


Traditional approaches to decision-making and action control assume the existence of a unitary control system that struggles with and serves to overcome misleading action tendencies. In this talk, I present an alternative model that considers control as envisioned by the traditional model as only one side of the coin. My alternative metacontrol model assumes that control emerges from the interplay of two counteracting forces, one promoting cognitive persistence and the other promoting cognitive flexibility. I present evidence indicating that this interaction is shaped by both genetic predisposition and the cultural context, and then discuss how metacontrol might be neurally implemented, and how it can be objectively assessed. I provide an overview of studies suggesting that metacontrol operates by modulating cortical variability and noise, and I show how people’s cortical noise level systematically varies with their performance in persistence-heavy and flexibility-heavy tasks.