李彧,重庆璧山人,教育学博士。主要研究兴趣为1)精神障碍的前驱症状及早期识别,2)人格发展变化过程中社会-认知-情感相互作用的行为和神经机制。以第一作者/通讯作者身份发表论文7篇,其中近五年的代表作发表在Psychological Medicine, Journal of Affective Disorders, 心理学报等高水平期刊上。主持教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金1项,中国博士后科学基金资助项目2项,重庆市自然科学基金1项,入选重庆市博士后创新人才支持计划。
Li Yu#, Zhuang KaiXiang #, Yi ZiLi, Wei DongTao, Sun JiangZhou, Qiu Jiang*. The trait and state negative affect can be separately predicted by stable and variable resting-state functional connectivity. Psychological Medicine. 2022, 52(5), 813-823.
Li Yu#, He Li#, Zhuang KaiXiang, Wu XinRan, Wei DongTao*, Qiu Jiang*. Linking personality types to depressive symptoms: A prospective typology based on neuroticism, extraversion and conscientiousness. Neuropsychologia, 2020, 136: 107289.
Li Yu#, Li MengZe#, Wei DongTao, Kong Xia, Du Xue, Hou Xin, Sun JiangZhou, Qiu Jiang*. Self-referential processing in unipolar depression: Distinct roles of subregions of the medial prefrontal cortex. Psychiatry Research-Neuroimaging, 2017, 263: 8-14.
Li Yu#, Hou Xin#, Wei DongTao, Du Xue, Zhang QingLin, Liu GuangYuan, Qiu Jiang*. Long-term effects of acute stress on the prefrontal-limbic system in the healthy adult. PLoS One, 2017, 12 (1): e0168315.
Li, Wenjing, Liu Yuan*, Qiu Jiang, Li Yu*. Bidirectional relationship between insular grey matter volume and alexithymia: Evidence from a longitudinal study. Journal of Affective Disorders 2023, 339: 799-806. Journal of Affective Disorders.
李彧, 位东涛, 邱江. 抑郁症的人格类型及其脑功能连接基础. 心理学报, 2023, 55(5): 740-751.
李彧, 位东涛, 孙江洲, 蒙杰, 任芷葶, 何李, 庄恺祥, 邱江. 人格和抑郁症: 理论模型与行为-脑研究综述. 生理学报, 2019, 71(1): 163–172.
Feng Qiuyang, Li Yu#, Liu Cheng, Wang Xueyang, Tang Shuang, Tie Bijie, Li Xianrui, Qiu. Jiang. Functional connectivity mediating passive coping style and perceived stress in predicting anxiety. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2023, 340: 828-834.
He Hong#, Li Yu#, Chen QunLin, Wei DongTao, Shi Liang, Wu XinRan, Qiu Jiang*. Tracking resting-state functional connectivity changes and mind wandering: A longitudinal neuroimaging study. Neuropsychologia,2021, 150: 107674.
Zhuang KaiXiang#, Yang WenJing#, Li Yu#, Zhang Jie, Chen QunLin, Meng Jie, Wei DongTao, Sun JiangZhou, He Li, Mao Yu, Wang XiaoQin, Vatanseverd Deniz*, Qiu Jiang*. Connectome-based evidence for creative thinking as an emergent property of ordinary cognitive operations. NeuroImage, 2021, 227: 117632.
He Li#, Li Yu#, Zhuang KaiXiang, Chen Qunlin, Sun Jiangzhou, Yang Wenjing, Wei Dongtao, Qiu Jiang*. Network connectivity of the creative brain: Current knowledge and future directions. Chinese Science Bulletin 65, no. 1 (2019): 25-36.
He Li#, Zhuang Kaixiang #, Li Yu#, Sun Jiangzhou, Meng Jie, Zhu Wenfeng, Mao Yu, Chen Qunlin, Chen Xiaoyi, Qiu Jiang *. Brain flexibility associated with need for cognition contributes to creative achievement. Psychophysiology 2019, 56(12): e13464.
Du JingNan#, Edmund T. Rolls#, Cheng Wei#, Li Yu#, Gong WeiKang, Qiu Jiang, Feng JianFeng*. Functional connectivity of the orbitofrontal cortex, anterior cingulate cortex, and inferior frontal gyrus in humans. Cortex, 2020, 123: 185-199.
Zhuang KaiXiang#, Bi MingHua#, Li Yu#, Xia YunMan, Guo XueHua, Chen QunLin, Du Xue, Wang KangCheng, Wei DongTao, Yin HuaZhan, Qiu Jiang*. A distinction between two instruments measuring dispositional mindfulness and the correlations between those measurements and the neuroanatomical structure. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7 (1): 1-9.