陈曦梅,博士,心理学部副教授。主要研究领域为饮食失调的神经机制(饮食失调症状、暴食、贪食、节食等),包括利用机器学习、连接组预测建模、结构协变网络、结构-功能连接耦合等多维技术探究饮食失调的神经生物学基础;采用频谱动态因果模型、参数经验贝叶斯动态因果模型等分析手段量化神经交互方向属性。目前已在Psychological Medicine,NeuroImage,Cerebral Cortex,Psychiatry Research,International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology,Journal of Affective Disorders,Neurobiology of Stress,Appetite,Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience,《心理学报》等国内外核心期刊上发表论文30余篇,影响因子总和143.5,总引用数127,h指数7。担任《心理学报》,《心理科学进展》,Psychological Medicine,NeuroImage等期刊评审人。
2024/07 - 至今,西南大学,心理学部,副教授
2018/09 - 2024/06,西南大学,心理学部,基础心理学,教育学博士(硕博)
2014/09 - 2018/06,四川师范大学,心理学院,心理学,理学学士
1.Chen, X., Dong, D., Zhou, F., Gao, X., Liu, Y., Wang, J., ... Chen, H*. (2022). Connectome-based prediction of eating disorder-associated symptomatology. Psychological Medicine, 1–14. (中科院1区;IF2021=10.59)
2.陈曦梅, 罗一君, 陈红*. (2020). 友谊质量与青少年直觉进食:链式中介模型及性别差异. 心理学报, 52(4), 485–496. (国内1区)
3.Chen, X., Luo, Y. & Chen, H*. (2020). Body image victimization experiences and disordered eating behaviors among Chinese female adolescents: The role of body dissatisfaction and depression. Sex Roles, 83(3). (中科院1区)
4.Chen, X., Li, W., Liu, Y., Xiao, M., & Chen, H*. (2023). Altered effective connectivity between reward and inhibitory control networks in people with binge eating episodes: A spectral dynamic causal modeling study. Appetite, 188, 106763. (中科院2区)
5.Chen, X., Gao, X., Qin, J., Wang, C., Xiao, M., Tian, Y., ... Chen, H*. (2021). Resting-state functional network connectivity underlying eating disorder symptoms in healthy young adults. NeuroImage: Clinical, 102671. (中科院2区)
6.Chen, X., Xiao, M., Qin, J., Bian, Z., Qiu, J., Feng, T., ... Chen, H*. (2022). Association between high levels of body-esteem and increased degree of midcingulate cortex global connectivity: A resting-state fMRI study. Psychophysiology, 59(10), e14072. (中科院2区)
7.Chen, X., Huang, Y., Xiao, M., Luo, Y., Liu, Y., Song, S., ... Chen, H*. (2021). Self and the brain: Self-concept mediates the effect of resting-state brain activity and connectivity on self-esteem in school-aged children. Personality and Individual Differences, 110287.
8.Chen, X., Li, W., Qin, J., Gao, X., Liu, Y., Song, S., ... Chen, H*. (2022). Gray matter volume and functional connectivity underlying binge eating in healthy children. Eating and Weight Disorders, 27(8), 3469–3478.
9.Li, W., Chen, X#., Luo, Y., Luo, L., & Chen, H*. (2022). Orbitofrontal neural dissociation of healthy and unhealthy food reward sensitivity in normal-weight binge eaters. Psychiatry Research, 316, 114736. (中科院2区;IF=11.30)
10.Li, W., Chen, X#., Luo, Y., Xiao, M., Liu, Y., & Chen, H*. (2024). Altered connectivity patterns of medial and lateral orbitofrontal cortex underlie the severity of bulimic symptoms. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 24(1), 100439. (中科院1区;IF=8.80)
11.Dong, D., Chen, X#., Li, W., Gao, X., Wang, Y., Zhou, F., ... Chen, H*. (2024). Opposite changes in morphometric similarity of medial reward and lateral non-reward orbitofrontal cortex circuits in obesity. NeuroImage, 290, 120574. (中科院1区;IF=7.00)
12.Zheng, A., Chen, X#., Li, Q., Ling, Y., Liu, X., Li, W., ... Chen, H*. (2023). Neural correlates of Type A personality: Type A personality mediates the association of resting-state brain activity and connectivity with eating disorder symptoms. Journal of Affective Disorders, 333, 331–341.
13.Xiao, M., Chen, X#., Yi, H., Luo, Y., Yan, Q., Feng, T., ... Chen, H*. (2021). Stronger functional network connectivity and social support buffer against negative affect during the COVID-19 outbreak and after the pandemic peak. Neurobiology of Stress, 15, 100418.
14.Luo, Y. J, Chen, X#., Zeng, W., Xiao, M., Liu, Y., Gao, X., & Chen, H*. (2022). Associations of harsh, unpredictable environment, amygdala connectivity and overeating for children. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, 110644.
15.Zheng, S., Chen, X#., Liu, W., Li, Z., Xiao, M., Liu, Y., & Chen, H*. (2023). Association of loneliness and grey matter volume in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex: The mediating role of interpersonal self-support traits. Brain Imaging and Behavior, 17(5), 481–493.
16.Zheng, A., Chen, X#., Xiang, G., Li, Q., Du, X., Liu X., ... Chen, H*. (2023). Association between negative affect and perceived mortality threat during the COVID-19 pandemic: The role of brain activity and connectivity. Neuroscience, 535, 63–74.
17.李为, 边子茗#, 陈曦梅, 王俊杰, 罗一君, 刘永, ... 陈红*. (2023). 9~12岁儿童应激与额颞区的关联: 来自多模态脑影像的证据. 心理学报, 55(4), 572–587.
18.崔一岑, 张易晓#, 陈曦梅, 肖明岳, 刘永, 宋诗情, ... 陈红*. (2024). 工具性喂养对9~12岁儿童挑食行为的影响:来自静息态功能磁共振的证据. 心理学报, 56(6), 731–744.
19.Liu, X., Chen, X., Li, Q., Xiang, G., Li, W., Xiao, M., ... Chen, H*. (2022). Altered resting-state functional connectivity of medial frontal cortex in overweight individuals: Link to food-specific intentional inhibition and weight gain. Behavioural Brain Research, 433, 114003.
20.Wang, Y., Dong, D#., Chen, X., Gao, X., Liu, Y., Xiao, M., ... Chen, H*. (2022). Individualized morphometric similarity predicts body mass index and food approach behavior in school-age children. Cerebral Cortex, bhac380.
21.Yi, H., Xiao, M#., Chen, X., Yan, Q., Yang, Y., Liu, Y., ... Chen, H*. (2023). Resting-state functional network connectivity underlying conscientiousness in school-aged children. Child Neuropsychology, 1–17.
22.Luo, Y., Xiao, M#., Chen, X., Zeng, W., & Chen, H*. (2024). Harsh, unpredictable childhood environments are associated with inferior frontal gyrus connectivity and binge eating tendencies in late adolescents. Appetite, 107210.
23.Han, J., Zhuang, K#., Chen, X., Xiao, M., Liu, Y., Song, S., ... Chen, H*. (2024). Connectivity-based neuromarker for children's inhibitory control ability and its relevance to body mass index. Child Neuropsychology, 1–18.
24.Luo, L., Luo, Y#., Chen, X., Xiao, M., Bian, Z., Leng, X., ... Chen, H. (2024). Structural and functional neural patterns among sub-threshold bulimia nervosa: Abnormalities in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and orbitofrontal cortex. Psychiatry Research: NeuroImaging, 342, 111825.
25.Cao, B., Xiao, M., Chen, X., Zhao, Y., Pan, Z., McIntyre, R. S., & Chen, H*. (2022). Application of computerized cognitive test battery in major depressive disorder: A narrative literature review. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 76(4), 263–271.
26.Xiao, M., Luo, Y., Ding, C., Chen, X., Liu, Y., Tang, Y., & Chen, H*. (2023). Social support and overeating in young women: The role of altering functional network connectivity patterns and negative emotions. Appetite, 191, 107069.
27.Wang, J., Dong, D., Liu, Y., Yang, Y., Chen, X., He, Q., ... Chen, H*. (2023). Multivariate resting-state functional connectomes predict and characterize obesity phenotypes. Cerebral Cortex, 33(13), 8368–8381.
28.Li, Q., Xiao, M., Song, S., Huang, Y., Chen, X., Liu, Y., & Chen, H*. (2020). The personality dispositions and resting-state neural correlates associated with aggressive children. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 15(9), 1004–1016.
29.Xiang, G., Li, Q., Xiao, M., He, L., Chen, X., Du, X., ... Chen, H*. (2021). Goal setting and attaining: Neural correlates of positive coping style and hope. Psychophysiology, 58(10), e13887.
30.Du, X., Li, Q., Xiang, G., Xiao, M., Liu, X., Chen, X., Ding, C., & Chen, H*. (2023). The relationship between brain neural correlates, self-objectification, and interoceptive sensibility. Behavioural Brain Research, 439, 114227.
31.Luo, L., Xiao, M., Luo, Y., Yi, H., Dong, D., Liu, Y., Chen, X., Li, W., & Chen, H*. (2022). Knowing what you feel: Inferior frontal gyrus-based structural and functional neural patterns underpinning adaptive body awareness. Journal of Affective Disorders, 315, 224–233.