郑涌,1967年生,博士毕业于西南师范大学基础心理学专业(导师黄希庭先生),2002年任职教授,2005年起担任博士生导师。长期致力于社会行为与人格、人格与健康、民族心理等研究,迄今已在Psychology of Women Quarterly,Sex Roles,Archives of Sexual Behavior,Journal of Research in Personality,Personality and Individual Differences,Evolutionary Psychology,心理学报,心理科学,心理科学进展 等刊物上发表论文二百余篇(含合作),出版著作十余部(含合著),获省部级以上教学科研成果奖励7项,获“重庆市有突出贡献中青年专家”等荣誉称号。
Xie, L., & Zheng, Y. (通讯作者) (2023). A moderated mediation model of masculinity contest culture and psychological well-being: The role of sexual harassment, bullying, organizational tolerance and position in organization. Sex Roles, 88(1-2), 86-100.
Wu, T., Su, Y., Shi, X., & Zheng, Y. (通讯作者) (2023). The association between gender role norms and abortion stigma among Chinese heterosexual adults in romantic relationships: The effect of ambivalent sexism, motherhood traditionalism, and the sexual double standard. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 20(4), 1623-1635.
Tie, L., & Zheng, Y. (通讯作者) (2023). Judgments and attributions of intimate partner violence in China: The role of directionality, gender stereotypicality, and ambivalent sexism. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 38(19-20), 10485-10513.
Wu, T., & Zheng, Y. (通讯作者) (2022). Sexual destiny and growth beliefs, yuan beliefs, approach sexual motives, and sexual communication in Chinese heterosexual adults. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 39(2), 372-392.
Wu, T., & Zheng, Y. (通讯作者) (2022). Perceptions of pornography and attitudes toward condom use in heterosexual Chinese adults: The effect of sexual pleasure, safer sex communication apprehension, and shared pornography use during sex. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 51(2), 1337-1350.
Shi, X., & Zheng, Y. (通讯作者) (2022). Sexual victimization in adulthood and associated factors among men and women: Cross-sectional evidence from mainland China. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 51(2), 1001-1017.
Shi, X., & Zheng, Y. (通讯作者) (2022). Hostile and benevolent sexism and attitudes toward establishing consent among Chinese men: The detrimental role of token resistance beliefs and binge drinking. Sex Roles, 87(1-2), 52-67.
Li, Z., & Zheng, Y. (通讯作者) (2022). Blame of rape victims and perpetrators in China: The role of gender, rape myth acceptance, and situational factors. Sex Roles, 87(3-4), 167-184.
Shi, X., & Zheng, Y. (通讯作者) (2021). Feminist active commitment and sexual harassment perception among Chinese women: The moderating roles of targets' gender stereotypicality and type of harassment. Sex Roles, 84(7), 477-490.
Shi, X., & Zheng, Y. (通讯作者) (2020). Perception and tolerance of sexual harassment: An examination of feminist identity, sexism, and gender roles in a sample of Chinese working women. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 44(2), 217-233.
Zhang, J., Zheng, L., & Zheng, Y. (通讯作者) (2019). Self-rated attractiveness and sociosexual behavior predict gay men’s preferences for masculine cues in male voices in China. Evolutionary Psychology, 17(2), 1474704919847430.
Xu, W., Zheng, Y. (通讯作者), & Kaufman, M. R. (2018). Predictors of recent HIV testing among Chinese men who have sex with men: A barrier perspective. AIDS Patient Care and STDs, 32(10), 408-417.
Xu, W., Zheng, L., Song, J., Zhang, X., Zhang, X., & Zheng, Y. (通讯作者) (2018). Relationship between childhood sexual abuse and HIV-related risks among men who have sex with men: Findings from mainland China. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 47(7), 1949-1957.
Xu, Y., Rahman, Q., & Zheng, Y. (通讯作者). (2017). Gender-specificity in viewing time among heterosexual women. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 46(5), 1361-1374.
Xu, Y., & Zheng, Y. (通讯作者) (2016). The relationship between digit ratio (2D:4D) and sexual orientation in men from China. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 45(3), 735-741.
Shi, Y., Chung, J. M., Cheng, J. T., Tracy, J. L., Robins, R. W., Chen, X., & Zheng, Y. (通讯作者) (2015). Cross-cultural evidence for the two-facet structure of pride. Journal of Research in Personality, 55, 61-74.
Zheng, L., & Zheng, Y. (通讯作者) (2014). Online sexual activity in mainland China: Relationship to sexual sensation seeking and sociosexuality. Computers in Human Behavior, 36C, 323-329.
Zheng, L., Hart, T. A., & Zheng, Y. (通讯作者) (2013). Attraction to male facial masculinity in gay men in China: Relationship to intercourse preference positions and sociosexual behavior. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 42(7), 1223-1232.
代际团结潜在类别与关系质量对自陈健康及幸福感的影响。通讯作者(杨晶晶、Ariela Lowenstein、Todd Jackson、郑涌)。《心理学报》,2013,45(7):811-824。
Zheng, L., Lippa, R. A., & Zheng, Y. (通讯作者) (2011). Sex and sexual orientation differences in personality in China. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 40(3), 533-541.
Zheng, L., Goldberg, L. R., Zheng, Y. (通讯作者), Zhao, Y., Tang, Y., & Liu, L. (2008). Reliability and concurrent validation of the IPIP Big-Five factor markers in China: Consistencies in factor structure between internet-obtained heterosexual and homosexual samples. Personality and Individual Differences, 45(7), 649-654.