心理学院328, 68367657, or qrzhang@swu.edu.cn
Selected Publications:
Zhang H, Liu J, & Zhang Q (2013). Neural correlates of the perception for novel objects. PLOS ONE 8(4):e62975. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0062979.
Zhang H, Liu J, & Zhang Q (2014). Neural representations for the generation of inventive conceptions inspired by adaptive fearture optimization of biologicial species. Cortex:162-173 (封面文章).
Gao Y & Zhang H (2014). Unconscious processing modulates creative problem solving: Evidence from an electrophysiological study. Consciousness and Cognition (26): 64-73.
Wu X, Jung R, & Zhang H (2016).Neural underpinnings of divergent production of rules in numerical analogical reasoning. Biological Psychology (117):170–178.
Zhou Y, Zhang Y, Hommel B & Zhang H (2017).The Impact of bodily states on divergent thinking: Evidence for a control-depletion account. Frontiers in Psychology: 8(1546). doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2007.01546.